Combine all ingredients (except butter, egg, and chocolate) in a bowl and knead for 5 minutes until you have a smooth dough. Adjust with more milk if dry or more flour if too wet. Form into a round lump and chill for 15 minutes.
Place cold butter between two sheets of parchment paper. Roll it into a 20×20 cm square.
Roll out the dough to 30×30 cm, place the butter on top, then fold the dough over it, like an envelope. Roll into a 45×25 cm rectangle. Fold the dough into thirds. Chill for 20 minutes. Repeat this step twice.
Roll the dough into a 70×30 cm rectangle. Cut it into 14 equal pieces. Place dark chocolate along one edge, roll it up, and put the seam side down on a baking sheet. Cover and let it rise for 2 hours. Brush with beaten egg and bake at 180°C (350°F) for about 20 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy fresh with coffee!
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